These are the resources the Digital Library has subscribed to, and which is expected to help you carry out your research effectively.

Online Access to Research in the Environment: (OARE): Containing peer reviewed journals in Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Education, Social Sciences, Law and Arts broadly defined. To access full text, log in at http://oare.research4life.org with this user ID: ag-nga149and Password: rdewasujo

Access to Research Initiative HINARI:  Provides full access to over 7385 major journals in biomedical and related several sources. From HINARI, you will have access to oxford textbook of Medicine. Access at http://www.who.int/hinari/en/ with this UserID: ag-nga149 and Password:rdewasujo

Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture. (AGORA):  Agora provides online access to peer reviewed research publications mainly in Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Entomology, Food Sciences, Forestry and Ecology/Environment. You may access full text publications by logging in at http://login.research4life.org/ with this UserID: ag-nga149 and Password: rdewasujo

Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI): aims to increase the availability of scientific and technical information by improving access to scholarly literature from diverse fields of science and technology. ARDI can be accessed at http://login.research4life.org/ with the User ID: ag-nga149 and Password: rdewasujo

Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOALI): has Academic and professional peer-reviewed journals, publications and databases in selected subject areas of law from the world’s leading academic publishers. GOALI can be accessed at http://login.research4life.org/ with the User ID: ag-nga149 and Password: rdewasujo

PROTA: contains publications on over 7,000 useful plants of Tropical Africa and this can be accessed on:   https://www.prota4u.org/database/

WORLD DIGITAL LIBRARY (WDL): makes available on the Internet, free -of – charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world. Access these materials on http://www.wdl.org/en/

DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL (DOAJ) is an online repository containing free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly Journals in Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Architecture, Agriculture and Food Sciences, Technology and Engineering.   You can access for free full Text articles online at http://www.doaj.org/

JSTOR: Contains peer reviewed multidisciplinary research publications including sources like Arts and Sciences, Life Sciences, British Pamphlets and Business in over 75 disciplines. JSTOR can be accessed at https://www.jstor.org

Directory of Open Access Books: Provides links to online books in different disciplines. Full text are available for downloads without cost. Access web page is www.doabooks.org/doab

Science Direct: Discover more from over 2,500 scholarly journals, including over 250 fully Open Access publications and 39,000 reference books. Science Direct can be accessed at https://www.sciencedirect.com

CORE is a multidisciplinary aggregator of open access research. It allows users to search more than 66 million open access articles. CORE can be accessed at https://core.ac.uk/

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is a collection of papers from the social sciences community. The site offers more than 700,000 abstracts and more than 600,000 full-text papers. SSRN can be accessed at http://www.ssrn.com/

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is operated by the Bielefeld University Library in Germany, and it offers more than 100 million documents from more than 4,000 sources. Sixty percent of its content is open access, and you can filter your search accordingly. BASE can be accessed at https://www.base-search.net/

EBSCO is a leading provider of general research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books and discovery service. EBSCO can be accessed at https://search.ebscohost.com

HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides millions of pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. HeinOnline can be accessed at https://home.heinonline.org/